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Employees set up in your TradeSchool database can use the timecard system.
Users as Employees
Only users who have been checked as Employees can access a time card.
Employees cannot see another employee's time, only their own, unless they have been given access to payroll privileges in the security settings.
Set Up
Before using the timecard feature, a new employee will need to be set up with their pay (Hourly Wage or Salary).
In the Users Module under the Employee> Setup> General > Wages tabs.
If they are an Hourly Employee, enter their wages and overtime wages in the fields.
If they are a Salaried Employee, enter their salary amount and check the Salaried Employee check box.
When things are correctly configured for this employee, select the Post Update button next to their information.
Time Card
To use the timecard, click on the Users Module and make sure are on your user record. Next, click the Employee > Timecard tabs.
This will display the timecard for the current week. By default, the timecard always shows the current week beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
The calendar in the bottom left corner is interactive. Selecting a date on the calendar will navigate the time card to the week of that date.
Weekly Totals:
Next to the Calendar are the weekly totals. This displays all weeks for the current month, along with the totals entered into the time card for that week. You can click on any specific week to navigate the timecard and see the specific details for that week.
Benefits Remaining:
The employee's available vacation and sick hours are displayed.
VA- Vacation Hours and SI- Sick Hours
These totals are the reasult of the total hours posted in their timecards subtracted from the accrued totals posted in the employee setup tab.
Columns can contain any type of decimal number. You can use any combination of hours in each column for any given day.
Time In- Start of work day (written as a time 8:00 AM)
Time Out- End of work Day (written as a time 4:00 PM)
LU- Lunch Hours
RE- Regular Hours
VA- Vacation Hours
SK- Sick Hours
ST- Standard Time
OT- Overtime Hours
Employee types
When using the time card, there are two very important perspectives to understand- The Salaried Employee and The Hourly Employee.
Salaried Employees
Salaried Employees do not get hourly wages. They will only enter the Time In and Time Out for each workday.
Time entered under the Time In and Time Out columns are NOT used to calculate payroll wages.
Hourly Employees
Hourly Employees DO need to enter paid hours. They will put time in the Time In and Time Out columns, as well as the number of paid hours under the Regular column. This is the RE Column, which stands for Regular hours.