Program Pay Scales
  • 06 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Program Pay Scales

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Article summary

A Program can have multiple Pay Scales associated with it.

In the Settings Module, navigate to the Apprentices > Payscales tab to get started.

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Select a Program

The Programs > Payscales tab is where you can create and edit your pay scales. First, select a program from the Program drop down list. This will populate the Portal below with the list of pay scales created for that program.

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Create a New Pay Scale

To Create a new Pay Scale, click the Plus button on the bottom right side of the top Portal. Down below the portal, you can specify the pay scale details.

  1. Fill in the Name and Full Wage for the pay scale. (All other information is optional, to your disgretion).
  2. Down below, add your pay periods. Add the Period number, then the percentage. This will be a decimal percentage of the Full Wage entered above.
    The Pay Rate will automatically calculate accordingly.
  3. Max Term and Max Hours are what is required of an apprentice in order to be eligible to advance to the next period.
  4. Use the Adjust if a percentage is not exact.

Pay Scales are not specific to dates.
When you get a new contract, do not create a new pay scale. Modify the existing one instead!

Do not delete a pay scale if you have records assigned to that program.

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