Graduating an Apprentice
  • 26 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Graduating an Apprentice

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Article summary

This article covers what to do when an apprentice journeys out of the program.

Record Graduation or Journeyman Date

Under the Advancements > Status > Actions tab, input the dates relevant to the apprentice graduating from the program. These may be the Graduated date, Jry Exam, or Jry Effective Date. You can also check the box indicating which field is applied.

Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 10.56.09 PM.png

Check Journeyman Box

Next, under the Advancements > Status > Standing tab, check the Journeyman in Users check box. This will check the Journeyman box in the Apprentice's User record to indicate their Journeyman status.

Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 10.58.38 PM.png

Archive Apprentice

Final step is to Archive the Apprentice by checking the Archive box.

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