Create an Application
  • 18 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Create an Application

  • Dark

Article summary

When you create an Application in the Applications Module, that record is specific to Program and Application Date.

This means that if someone is applying to multiple programs, that's multiple Application records for the same person.

If someone is re-applying after 2 years, that requires creating a brand new Application record.

If they've already applied, that means their User record already exists.

How to Manually Create an Application

  1. Click the New Application button.

  2. Fill out the fields in the User Picker.

  3. If a match appears below, click the little blue arrow next to their name to Create a new Application for that User.

  4. If no match is found, click the Create Button.
    This will create a new Application and related User record for the person.

  5. Fill out the Application record.
    Important Fields:

    • Program
    • Application Date
    • Application Number
    • Status
    • Main Email

Online Applications

If you are utilizing Online Applications, this process will happen automatically.

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