Create New Apprentice
  • 16 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Create New Apprentice

  • Dark

Article summary

When you create an Apprentice in the Apprentices Module, that record is specific to Program.

This means that if someone is starting a new program, they may have multiple Apprentice records for the same person.

If someone is entering the Inside program after going through the CW program, that requires creating a brand new Apprentice record.

If they had an application or have been in your system in some capacity, that means their User record already exists.

How to Create a New Apprentice

  1. Click the New Apprentice button.

  2. If you'd like to link the new Apprentice record to a specific Application, select the Application option. Otherwise, select User.

  3. Fill out the fields to find the related User or Application using the picker.

  4. If a match appears below, click the little blue arrow next to their name to Create a new Apprentice for that User or Application.

  5. If no match is found, click the Create Button.
    This will create a new Apprentice and related User record for the person.

  6. Fill out the Apprentice record.
    Important Fields:

    • Program
    • Pay Scale
    • Indenture Date
    • Pay Period
    • Main Email

To select a Program and Pay Scale for the apprentice, use the Specify button under the General tab.

Set up your Programs

Use the following articles to help set up your programs prior to selecting programs for new apprentices:

Move from Application

If you already processed their application, see Move Selected Applicants to Apprentices to create their Apprentice record from an Application in the Applications module.

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